Home and “ghosts”…week 3


Shutter speed 6s, f/8.0, ISO 100, prime lens 85mm, f/1.8S

Unit 2 Long exposure technique “Ghosting”

2.1 Identify photographic resources to complete a photographic project

For all my images I used my camera Nikon Z6, a tripod, a zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S or a prime lens 85mm, f/1.8S, ND filter and my home, garden and family members.


2.2 Produce 3-5 photographic images to meet identified goals

I was supposed to create images using long exposure technique “ghosting”. My aim was to use this technique to show the life during the pandemic at home through the documentary photography while using long exposure.


2.3 Identify presentational forms

To create so called “ghosts” in my pictures I used long exposure/long shutter speed, usually 5s, 10s, 15s. For such a long shutter speed I needed my tripod to avoid a camera shake and very blurry pictures. I started with setting up my ISO to the lowest level. I took many pictures to find out which shutter speed works best for my project and my expected outcome. With every composition I wanted to create a story that would reflect the theme “Home sweet home during the pandemic”. I created four different themes and this is my selection of images:

Theme 1 “Framed” - Image 1

10sf/16.0 ISO 100 prime lens 85mm, f/1.8S

10sf/16.0 ISO 100 prime lens 85mm, f/1.8S

S t o r y l i n e: I’m standing between my pictures from my travels before the pandemic. Turning my head from side to side and trying to guess when we can travel again. I framed my worries into an empty space waiting for the next adventure.

To capture this image I set up my shutter speed for 10s. After 5s I turned my head to the other side and captured the movement.

For this theme I also took the following images before I was happy with the image 1. This is my practise:

Image 2


Shutter speed 10s, f/22.0, ISO 100, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

Image 3


Shutter speed 10s, f/22.0, ISO 100, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

Image 4


Shutter speed 10s, f/22.0, ISO 100, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

Image 5


Shutter speed 10s, f/16.0, ISO 100, prime lens 85mm, f/1.8S


Theme 2 “Together alone” - Image 6


Shutter speed 10s, f/10.0, ISO 200, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

S t o r y l i n e: In this image I wanted to capture the feelings some of us might experience during the long and never ending lockdown. After a while everyone is living in their “own world”, having worries, thoughts and despite living together we might be living alone or feeling lonely. As an example I captured myself sitting on the staircase, lost in my thoughts and being invisible and overlooked by my children who are also worried with their own thoughts. The lockdown situation is “unknown territory” to all of us and we can not predict our feelings.

To capture my children as “ghosts” I asked them to move out of the picture after 5-7seconds meanwhile I stayed still all the time. I used a tripod and an additional artificial light (except the ceiling light).


Theme 3 “Circle” - Image 7


Shutter speed 20s, f/4.0, ISO 100, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

S t o r y l i n e: We all have to deal with the pandemic and this image shows just some of daily routine most of us experience, like working, playing with our children, talking to our parents through facetime or zoom, cooking and so on….

To be able to capture myself three times in one picture I set up a shutter speed of 20s and then after about 6s I changed my seat and then after 6s I changed it again. My son stayed still for the whole time.


Theme 4 “Waiting” - Image 8-11

Shutter speed 5s, f/22.0, ISO 100, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S, ND filter

S t o r y l i n e: In these images I captured my son looking through the window where his dad is working and patiently waiting for him. He is missing his friends and playdates as all the children during the pandemic restrictions.

For using the long exposure technique outside during the sunny part of the day I had to use a ND filter to block extensive amount of light coming into the sensor (to avoid overexposure). Here again I asked my son to quickly leave the scene after about 3s. Only at the last image I set up my shutter speed at 13s so my son could change his position and move in the opposite direction and create an illusion of “having a friend”.


2.4 Assess the photographic project

This project was interesting to work on. I really appreciated the use of a tripod, it was a must to have for long exposure images. I wish I had a bit more time to experiment with the “ghosting effect” outside in the streets with other people in the picture.

During this practise I learned to be cautious about the reflected lights in other objects. In some of my images from theme 1 you can notice a reflected light (image 4) in framed picture on the wall. Another challenge was using a long exposure outside on a sunny day. As I needed a long exposure for changing positions in the image I needed to use ND filter. It allowed me to compensate the abundance of light and to complete my photographic idea.

For this specific “ghosting” effect it’s best to shoot in low light ambience.


Photo essay…week 4 & 5


“Home” means…week 2