Slow exposure practice (LO 2,3)

In this blog I selected couple of images I took during my last practice. I took many images of moving cars and below are only a selection of some I like most. It is not so much about the composition as I was mainly concentrating on a long exposure and panning technique.

For all my images I used my camera Nikon Z6 and zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S. I used Lightroom for editing.

1/15s, f/3.2, ISO 640, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

1/15s, f/3.2, ISO 640, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

1/15s, f/3.2, ISO 640, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

1/15s, f/3.2, ISO 640, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S


For this slow exposure I used the exposure of 302 seconds and I attached a variable ND filter to my camera lens. The first image was too dark so In my next one I reduced the ND filter and decreased the exposure time to “only” 93 seconds.

Tripod was a must to have for such a long exposure.

302s, f/22.0, ISO 100, variable ND filter, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

93s, f/22.0, ISO 100, variable ND filter, zoom lens 24-70mm, f/2.8S

The final panning shots came out quite well and subject in focus sharp enough. This technique is creative element I really enjoyed. Next time I would like to concentrate more on composition and shoot during the day. The background is very important to properly and interestingly show the subject.

Source: book Understanding Exposure by B. Peterson; book Light&How to photograph it by M.Freeman; course materials; internet


Time-lapse photography (LO 2,3)


Nature and texture (LO 2,3)